Customer testimonials

Digital Servicebook has grown from a good idea to a well-known brand in many countries. See here why other workshops use the Digital Servicebook.

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Full control of the warranties in the UK

Hear Andrew from Todmorden M.O.T. Centre talk about why Digital Servicebook is a valuable tool for them.

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Everything runs automatically

Join us when we visit Maribo Bilcenter, Denmark, and hear more about how they use the Digital Servicebook.

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Easy start for Kvernstad and Sandem ltd.

Hear Trine – one of our Norwegian customers – talk about all the time they save by using Digital Servicebook.

Do you also want to try Digital Servicebook?

Without Digital Servicebook, registering a service can easily take 15 minutes. If you have eight services a day, it adds up to two hours! Try our price calculator and see how quickly your subscription is paid for.
